
Showing posts from December 8, 2010

SEO for Bing: Don't Ignore It

sIt's all about Google in search today. They have the market share. They have control of the press (can you think of a day in a recent memory that Google wasn't in the news?). They have the innovation. They have some of the smartest minds in the world, although that trend is shifting of late . Ignoring Google means ignoring online marketing, period. Ignoring Bing, on the other hand, or Yahoo usually means ignoring nothing more than a few extra clicks; like having a meal a la carte or ordering your pie without whipped cream. Even Google likes Bing's interface. But there's a problem with that mindset. The problem is, marketers -- especially SEOs -- are ignoring Bing entirely, and in the process, ignoring a heavily e-commerce-focused demographic that can provide modest, but incremental, traffic, and revenue. What if I told you that your company could experience between 5 and 10 percent incremental traffic and revenues by focusing on Bing? Who wouldn't be interes...

12 common mistakes done by programmers

Most often, software developers seem locked into certain failure modes that can't be avoided and such is the frequency with which they fall prey to a particular poor programming practice. Peter Wayner of Computerworld writes about twelve most common programming mistakes, each of which is accompanied by its opposing pair. Below are the twelve programming pitfalls developers should stay away from. Playing it fast and loose Failing to prop up the basics is the easiest way to make errors in coding. There are a lot of small places where a developer may make a mistake which causes software to fail. And the worst part about sloppy programming is that advances in language design aimed to fix these problems don't do their job. There have been improvements in syntax in programming languages. For instance, the latest version of Java tries to make null-pointer checking easier by offering shorthand syntax for the endless pointer testing. But such syntax improvements can only prevent code...